Shaking The Tree: From Silence to Speech, is a key part of the Spirit Unbounded event ‘Human Rights in the Emerging Catholic Church’.
Victim-survivors of church-based abuse from across the world share their stories. We are women and men; lay people, women religious, priests and former priests. Everyone has the human right to be protected from harm and to be safe. These stories show that this is not the case in the Catholic Church today. World-wide survivors are met with silence, denial and hypocrisy. Church authorities prioritise the reputation of the church before protection of victims.
Our starting point is ‘your story is as unique as your life, as your own dignity’.
Part 1 - From Silence to Speech
Part 7 - How Many Stories Will It Take?
Part 1 - From Silence to Speech
+ @18:25 - Confronting the abyss:
Survivor Hille Haker in conversation with Maggie Mathews
Part 2 - Unbinding Our Stories-Black and Asian People's Stories of Clerical Abuse
Part 3 - Unbinding Our Stories of Clerical Violence and Abuse
Part 4 - Unbinding Our Stories: Women Fighting For Their Rights in Lebanon
Part 5 - Unbinding Our Stories: Religious in India
Part 6 - Unbinding Our Stories: Male Survivors of Clerical Abuse Speak Out
Part 7 - How Many Stories Will It Take?
Part 8 - And So, A Glimpse Into The Future
Shaking the Tree - Resources and Support